The Weblog
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Kale and Strawberries
This week we are featuring our three kinds of kale. Lacinato, Red Russian and Siberian kales are delicious.
We offer strawberries in pint or quart clamshells.
Place the kale in the steamer basket in the pot and cover with a tight-fitting lid. Cook with the lid on for 2-5 minutes. Serve. Italians steam kale until tender, then add olive oil, a little garlic, breadcrumbs, and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese in the last minute or two of cooking.
You can cook them just as you would collard greens, which is my favorite way to do it. They abound in great nutrients.
Please have a look at what we have available this week.
Thank you.
David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market