The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Dear Customers,

Please have a look at what is available this week and place your orders. Thank you.

David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market

Buttercup Squash

Dear Customers,

I forgot to add the Buttercup Squash to our availability. I have posted a recipe in the description to give you an idea of how to cook them. These are small, about the size of a softball.
We have many things replanted. Between the hurricane and the freezing, our garden has suffered. Please bear with us.

Thank you,
David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market

We have lots of tomatoes.

Dear Custome,
Please have a look at what we can offer this week and place your orders.

Thank you.
David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market

Baby Collard Greems

Dear Custome,
Please have a look at what we can offer this week and place your orders.

Thank you.
David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market

Strawberry Jam

Dear Customers,

This week we feature our delicious strawberry jam made with our fresh strawberries. Please have a look at what we have to offer this week and place your orders.

Thank you.
David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market

We are Ready for Spring!

Dear Customers,
We have survived the freeze with just a little damage thanks to frost cloth on tomatoes and strawberries. We will be replanting green beans and squash this week.
Please have a look at what we have and place your orders.
Thank you.

David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market

Gold Beets

Dear Customers,
This week we feature Gold Beets You may
be most familiar with the red beet, but beets come in a variety of colors. One variety is orange, and is known as the golden beet. A descendant of a sea vegetable, orange beets are a nutrient-rich food low in calories and high in fiber and potassium. The difference between the red and the orange beet is the pigment compound. Red beets are rich in betalain pigment while orange beets are rich in b-xanthin pigment. Though their pigment color differs, their nutritional benefits are the same. You’ll gain a number of health benefits if you include the orange beet in your diet.

Please have a look at what we have this week and place your orders.
Thank you

David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market

Is winter over yet?

Dear customers,

We had some very cold temperatures this last week. Some things like green beans did not make it through but most everything else did. Please have a look at what is available and place your orders.

Thank You.
David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone.
Please have a look at what we have to offer and place your orders.

Thank you.
David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We hope everyone has a lovely Christmas with the people they love.

Please have a look at what is available this week and place your orders.

Thank you.
David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market